clean water


Innovative vehicle that emits only water

Innovative vehicle that emits only water

Editor’s Comments:

This issue is dedicated to young people our researchers have discovered around the world, who are stepping up to try and make a difference. We can ask nothing more from them, or of ourselves. Safe Harbor's experiment with Whale disentanglement research is included, as well as some women surfer film makers who discovered some inspirational children trying to make a difference in "paradise".

~Gordon Peabody, Editor

Ocean 49 Articles

Vehicle emitting only H2O

Sargassum in the Caribbean

Blue Crabs in Florida

Indonesian students tackle microplastics

Low-tech ropeless fishing gear

Clean water from sunlight


In California, the Sierra Nevada range saw a 200% increase in snowpack this year

In California, the Sierra Nevada range saw a 200% increase in snowpack this year

Editor’s Comments:

This 48th issue recognizes a young person who is making a difference and some innovative ideas we believe deserve support. We also want to share dispatches from our recently relocated Associate Editor and a previous Intern who has been spending time underwater in the Bahamas, with sharks.

~Gordon Peabody, Editor

Ocean 48 Articles

“Trash Girl” United Kingdom

Red tides in Norway

Rising temperatures, melting icebergs

Clean water from thin air

Puffin die-off in Alaska

Sierra snowpack increases by 200%

Marine debris surface skim

Algae curtains

Sink & toilet combination


Why do marine animals eat plastic? Check out article 11 to find out.

Why do marine animals eat plastic? Check out article 11 to find out.

Editor’s Comments:

In OCEAN 43, we are proud to share a fascinating idea from the Himalayas and another, “Close to Home” innovative idea for long term coastal erosion management, a hybrid system of living shoreline and ballasted coir fiber. We also find it difficult to imagine Northwest Seafood being able to contain everything they are discovering in them (see Opioids in Northwest Mussels, page 6) and from OCEAN 41 “81 types of drugs and chemicals found in Puget Sound Salmon”). OCEAN 44 will link this article with the micro-plastics being found in Mussels. Plastics are not going away and according to OCEAN Researcher Brigid McKenna, (page 6) when consumed by sea birds, they tragically cannot be digested. Oh, and now, micro plastics have been discovered in our drinking water. (page 3).

~Gordon Peabody, Editor

Ocean 43 Articles

Salmon in Washington

Contaminated drinking water

Gulf oil spill cleanup

Opioids in mussels

Hawaii protects coral reefs

Eating packaging

Dangerous VOC’s without airflow

Clean water: manmade glaciers

Herring River Estuary restoration

Seaweed as cow feed

Why marine animals eat plastic


Oyster farmer on Martha’s Vineyard begins to farm kelp as a sustainable addition to his farm

Oyster farmer on Martha’s Vineyard begins to farm kelp as a sustainable addition to his farm

Editor’s Comments:

In OCEAN 42, we recommend our “CLOSE TO HOME” article, as we continue to investigate the emerging, Regional, economic potential for Sugar Kelp farming. Along with OCEAN Research Coordinator Jess Hillman, we visited a working, Sugar Kelp farm on Martha’s Vineyard. We agreed it was a “fluke” that three ferry boats broke down that day (fortunately the sea farmers were patient). This issue also introduces our OCEAN 2018 Environmental Invention Award: Making electricity from raindrops. Also in this issue, while Palm Oil agriculture has been growing at 20% annually, no one it seems, has been minding the externalities, such as pesticides.

~Gordon Peabody, Editor.

Ocean 42 Articles

Drilling for energy causing radioactive rivers

Palm oil destroying forests

Flooding in Paris

Invasive flower in Iceland

Cape Town in South Africa running low on water

Preventing bird deaths on windows

Warming winters in Russia

Electricity from raindrops

Kelp added to oyster farm in Martha’s Vineyard


An “edible water bottle” designed by the Skipping Rocks Lab in London

An “edible water bottle” designed by the Skipping Rocks Lab in London

Editor’s comments:

OCEAN 38 explores an extraordinary concept we all wish we had thought of: Edible water containers. We are also sharing an innovative technology we had never thought of, which grows vegetables from trash. We are continuing to track the Pacific Ocean's incredible thermal energy near Peru and updating our readers on how the neonicitinoid pesticides we were concerned about with Bees, seem to be appearing in some of our drinking water.

~Gordon Peabody, Editor.

Ocean 38 Articles

Carbon capture to enhance vegetable growth

Flooding in Peru

Edible water container

Neonicotinonids found in US drinking water

Conserving water: tips

Drinking seawater

New law in France requiring green roofs


The “Water-Seer”, a wind-powered collection system for drinking water, designed by VICI Labs

The “Water-Seer”, a wind-powered collection system for drinking water, designed by VICI Labs

Editor’s Comments:

Difficult problems inspire innovative solutions: “Wind Powered Drinking Water”, the recipient of the 2017 OCEAN Environmental Innovation Award is not what you may think. In our “can of worms department”, one of our lead Researchers has taken an educational look into recent changes in ocean Oxygen levels. As well as hot news from the Arctic; unraveling some of the mysteries of changing Bird migrations; and a continuing exploration of a new economic engine in our coastal economy: Sugar Kelp. A future issue explores Kelp beds reducing wave energy.

~Gordon Peabody, Editor

Ocean 37 Articles

Climate change & bird migrations

Sugar kelp potential as commercial crop

Heat wave in the Arctic

Climate change on Cape Cod

Pesticide use awareness

Are humans eating microplastics?

Wind-powered drinking water

Ocean oxygen depletion

Bolivian locusts destroy crops

Bicycle powered homes

Thousands of fracking spills



Editor’s Comments:

OCEAN 33 We are envious of the “live smaller, live better, take it anywhere” concept our researcher Noelle Marston uncovered and brought to our attention. Rae Taylor Burns explores solar powered road surfaces, while Brigid McKenna takes a close look at links between Atlantic Ocean temperature changes and plankton. Closer to home, Cape Cod’s Oak trees have been eaten alive by caterpillars and we investigated the details of what has been referred to as “Caterpillar Winter”.

~Gordon Peabody, Editor  

Ocean 33 Articles

Solar Innovations

Water from air

Rising temperatures and Madden Oscillations

Ruth Leeney and African sawfishes

Carbon flux

Caterpillars in New England


New “Windtamer” wind energy technology now implemented in Europe

New “Windtamer” wind energy technology now implemented in Europe

Editor’s Comments:

Thank you for reading, sharing and supporting our 32nd issue of OCEAN. This issue explores some remarkable, technical advances aiding the environment: a drone designed to monitor how whales breath differently when no humans are around; new wind energy innovations; and the most remarkable invention, allowing water to be transported in underdeveloped countries, by rolling it as a wheel. Thank you to OCEAN's team of environmental researchers and to you our readers, for reading, sharing and believing in new ideas with us.

~Gordon Peabody, Editor

Ocean 32 Articles

Kelp for biofuel

“Snot-bot” drone observing whales from above

Sustainable shrimp

“Wello” innovation in water transportation

Tracking geomorphology on Cape Cod

New innovation in wind turbines