

The editor’s choice article “Unique Concept in Green Energy” by researcher Abigail Eilar, explores the use of sand batteries for green energy.

OCEAN 61 shares an inside look at some of our Interns this year. We also recommend an unusual article regarding fish falling from the sky and the explanation leaves me unconvinced, my opinion. Living on Cape Cod, the concept of a “Sand Battery” also caught my attention. OCEAN newsletter never has advertising and never will, as it is self-funded, to be shared by our readers and their friends. Thank you to our Associate Editor Catie Urquhart and Research Coordinator Jessica Hillman and thanks to you, our readers for enjoying and sharing our efforts. Safe Harbor is a small, interdisciplinary environmental consulting group, located on Duck Creek Marsh, in Wellfleet on Cape Cod.

Algae Blooms on Cape Cod

Healthy Flour

Deadly Rain in Death Valley

Intern Feature

Editor’s Final Thoughts

OCEAN 61 Articles

New Clam in the Neighborhood

"No Mow" Lawns

Crabs Living in a Time Warp

When Fish Actually Fell out of the Sky

Unique Concept in Green Energy


OCEAN Researcher, Lindsey Stanton, provides information on the plight of Vaquitas as researched and written about by Associate Editor Samantha Thywissen in the article “Vaquita & the Sea of Cortez”.

OCEAN Researcher, Lindsey Stanton, provides information on the plight of Vaquitas as researched and written about by Associate Editor Samantha Thywissen in the article “Vaquita & the Sea of Cortez”.

This remarkable issue of OCEAN 56 features our annual, Environmental Initiative Awards, this year going to two events, which we felt were profound, perhaps not in scope but with inspiration. We are also sharing Associate Editor Samantha’s well researched, heartfelt article on the extraordinary losses of Porpoises from Sea of Cortez By-Catch. We also are introducing new researcher Catherine Urquhart, who suggests we take note of troubling recent cloud tops, breaking records for heights and temperatures. We have written this newsletter for you our readers, with no advertising or solicitation, it only has value to us when we share it. Thank you for your support.

Fair winds, Gordon Peabody, OCEAN Editor.

OCEAN 56 Articles

Piecing Together the Microplastics Problem 

Vaquita & the Sea of Cortez

Endocrine Disruptor Used in Antimicrobial Products 

Japanese Cherry Blossom Bloom is Earliest in 1,200 Years 

2021 OCEAN Environmental Initiative Awards 

Staying Safe 

Red Flag in the Upper Atmosphere

Paving With Better Intentions 

The Uphill Battle With Microplastics 

Breakthrough Science Restores Sight Using Algae

Note From the Editor 


In California, the Sierra Nevada range saw a 200% increase in snowpack this year

In California, the Sierra Nevada range saw a 200% increase in snowpack this year

Editor’s Comments:

This 48th issue recognizes a young person who is making a difference and some innovative ideas we believe deserve support. We also want to share dispatches from our recently relocated Associate Editor and a previous Intern who has been spending time underwater in the Bahamas, with sharks.

~Gordon Peabody, Editor

Ocean 48 Articles

“Trash Girl” United Kingdom

Red tides in Norway

Rising temperatures, melting icebergs

Clean water from thin air

Puffin die-off in Alaska

Sierra snowpack increases by 200%

Marine debris surface skim

Algae curtains

Sink & toilet combination