

OCEAN is proud to highlight the work of one of our previous Safe Harbor interns, Charles Post. We share his extraordinary video “Sky Migrations”

OCEAN is proud to highlight the work of one of our previous Safe Harbor interns, Charles Post. We share his extraordinary video “Sky Migrations”

OCEAN 53 introduces some interesting videos we wanted to recommend and share with our readers. OCEAN is a self-funded, environmental education newsletter for Safe Harbor Environmental Services, a multidisciplinary, environmental consulting group on Cape Cod. This issue contains articles by OCEAN Researchers, ranging from “VANISHING BIRDS”; to “INNOVATIVE FLOOD PROTECTION”; to the “NURDLE APOCALYPSE” in New Orleans. We publish this newsletter for people with an interest in the environment and in climate action. Please feel free to share OCEAN with friends who share your interests. It is a Public Domain publication. Thank you.

~Gordon Peabody, Editor

OCEAN 53 Articles

Keeping Safe (Part III)

Eyes to the Sky

Lost Power?

Coastal Restoration Using Biomimicry

Innovative Flood Protection Product

A New River is on the Way

Tracking Anomalous Weather

Meteotsunamis are Real

“Nurdle” Apocalypse

Mystery Surrounds Loss of Birds

A Different Species and a Deadly Pandemic

Lobster with a Surprising “Extra”

Purses Belonging to Mermaids?


Fisheries in Maine are attempting to create a new fishery out of the invasive Green Crab

Fisheries in Maine are attempting to create a new fishery out of the invasive Green Crab

Editor’s Comments:

OCEAN 35 shares some intriguing environmental concepts: People in Maine are starting to eat invasive crabs; NYC is experimenting with old toilets to grow oysters; someone developed a thermal powered piston for controlling greenhouse ventilation and why has it taken so long to come up with edible six pack rings? You will also find breaking updates on previous articles: Bees; Hand Sanitizers and Plastic Microbeads. And we also took a closer look at the 1,000 year rainfall event in Louisiana.

~Gordon Peabody, Editor of OCEAN

Ocean 35 Articles

Edible six pack rings

Oyster habitat restoration in New York

Greener Greenhouses

Invasive Green Crabs in Maine

CO2 increasing in atmosphere

Triclosan update

France ban on disposable plates


Oklahoma earthquakes

Louisiana 1,000 year flood

Bee-kind update